Topic: Problem again with maximum inputs


This works:

uint8_t RemoteXY_CONF[] =
  { 255,249,0,0,0,11,0,6,5,0,
  7,36,1,1,20,5,2,249 };

// this structure defines all the variables of your control interface
struct {

    // input variable
  char edit_1[249];  // string UTF8 end zero

    // other variable
  uint8_t connect_flag;  // =1 if wire connected, else =0

} RemoteXY;

But after adding 1 to the size of the edit :

uint8_t RemoteXY_CONF[] =
  { 255,250,0,0,0,11,0,6,5,0,
  7,36,1,1,20,5,2,250 };

// this structure defines all the variables of your control interface
struct {

    // input variable
  char edit_1[250];  // string UTF8 end zero

    // other variable
  uint8_t connect_flag;  // =1 if wire connected, else =0

} RemoteXY;

RemoteXY app crashes silently (back to main menu) few seconds after typing something in the edit. This can also be reproduced with, for example, 2 edit boxes with each ~125 chars. The microcontroller (I'm using ESP32 at the moment) doesn't reset.


Re: Problem again with maximum inputs

Thanks, we will test it


Re: Problem again with maximum inputs

Fixed in vers. 2.3.3 (29.11.2017) of library and vers. 4.1.1 of Android.
But this bug still remains when it works through the cloud.