Topic: Connection over internet

Hello again,

is there a way to get connectet with my device with using internet?
Have i to choose the ethernet connection or how it works?

With a simple webserver on the arduino, i can connect from the internet over IP adress but i will use the remotexy-interface, what kind of setting have i to declare?



Re: Connection over internet

Yes, choose the "Ethernet TCP/IP" in configuration settings of RemoteXY editor.
RemoteXY library opens the server on port 6377.
Set the static internal IP for Arduino board in DHCP settings of router.
Set the virtual server in your router to internal IP address and port of Arduino.
Use the external static IP or dyndns URL of router for connect to Arduino via virtual server to internal IP.


Re: Connection over internet

remotexy wrote:

Set the virtual server in your router to internal IP address and port of Arduino.

Это значит пробросить порт на роутере?


Re: Connection over internet

prygunovnp wrote:

Это значит пробросить порт на роутере?
