Topic: starting my application

I'm using the pro Version and have a communication via USB. It works perfect.
When I start the remotexy app on my device by pusching the icon a list with my apps are shown. So I'm able
to to select  one of my application. If there is only one application I've to press this one and only icon.
It would be nice, that when I start the remotexy app and there is only one of my own apps to select, that this will start
automatic directly.
That means I open the remotexy app and "voila" my own app is shown/opend and running.
Thanks for this great programm.
Best regards Gerd.


Re: starting my application

Then I think it would be good to provide a checkbox in the settings, with the ability to select a priority when launching the RemoteXY application on the device. This will allow cheap tablets to be used as external displays.


Re: starting my application

Nice idea.