1 (edited by xeviortiz 2022-12-03 11:31:09)

Topic: Vibrations in nema 17

Hi, I introduce myself, I'm Xavi, and I'm working on a microphotography project, I'll explain my problem:

This system controlled by nanoarduino is based on micro advances of a spindle moved by a nema 17, the precision must be very high, I only control it through RemoteXY.

When I start the system the motor slides very smoothly to a starting point, but the moment I open the app the motor moves with vibrations.  I don't know how to solve this problem, I don't have much experience and I would appreciate some help...

I use a translator and apologize if there is any inconsistency.


Re: Vibrations in nema 17

Most likely, your motor is controlled by a time counter. RemoteXY consumes microcontroller time and you won't be able to get an accurate time count. The solution is to control the motor with timer interrupts.


Re: Vibrations in nema 17

Hello, thanks for answering, could you give me a small example?  so I could implement it to the program.


Re: Vibrations in nema 17

Try searching for the key: "interrupt based library for stepper motors"