Topic: [solved] Working mode: random/app
I'm working with a nodemcu v3 for a project to use at school during open events. My project is done with a RGB led, a Dallas temperature gauge, a DC engine (PWM)+photo resistor+laser beam [i read spins], 16x2 LCD.
So the led lights randomly, the engine runs randomly too and on the display it shows the temperature and rounds per minute. This happens when "NO CLIENT" is connected to the nodemcu,
While it someone is connected to nodemcu, it will being drived by the app.
So i don't know which syntax to use for my "if" cicle:
if (??????????????????????)
I tried:
WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED
WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED
WiFi.localIP().toString() == ""
Which is the compatible function to use with the RemoteXY library??? I tried calling the WiFi.begin() function too.