Topic: Connection of the App not reliable?
i am controlling and supervising and plotting my home automation data with arduino and remotexy, like solar power, mains power consumption, heating ...
Unfortunately the App on my tablet is disconnecting a number of times per day, so i am missing lots of data in the plot.
The app stays unconnected, until i recognize it (after hours), and start the reconnection manually.
It seems at only short issues with the connection, the app immediately disconnects from the server and never reconnects. It happens randomly during the day (3-10 times). And at least once at fixed time, when my router is forced to shortly reconnect to the internet to get a new IP.
Not clear, why it disconnects so many times, the WLAN is very strong, i couldn't find weakness.
When i manually stop the WLAN for test, the app is disconnecting immediately (less than 1 sec).
This is very annoying and it is blocking to continue to use remotexy.
What could be wrong, Any suggestions? Is it possible to make the server connection more reliable, increasing timeouts, or add a automatic reconnect feature in the app?
Thanks for help, best regards, Peter