Topic: Very bad wifi connection Arduino ESP8266 board library 3.0.2 softAP


I experience extremely bad RemoteXY connections when using
- ESP8266 boards, such as Wemos D1, nodemcu, ESP-01
- ESP8266 arduino board library 3.0.2
- RemoteXY library 3.1.6
- Most recent Android app. Strange is that on iPhone is seems to work (although you have to add the device using ethernet instead of Wifi)
- with whatever RemoteXY application.

Strange is that exactly the same code worked perfect in the past.
After a lot of tests, I found out the cause is the ESP8266 board software 3.0.2. The solution was to roll back to version 2.7.4.

Does anybody have more information about this problem? Is this already ESP8266 a known issue?

2 (edited by Gunner 2021-08-01 07:58:06)

Re: Very bad wifi connection Arduino ESP8266 board library 3.0.2 softAP

I have been using ESP8266 Core 3.0.0 for awhile without issues. 

But to test your issue, I just upgraded to 3.0.2 and tested again, on a clone D1 Mini and with my most connection intensive RemoteXY sketch.  http://forum.remotexy.com/viewtopic.php?pid=3985#p3985

But it still runs great on my Android (v.9) and iPad (v.12)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/55utqnnql29xt … x.gif?dl=0

The slight stuttering is due the GIF maker app running in the background... otherwise buttery smooth (and so fast it actually needs an epileptic warning on the large iPad tongue )

Granted, it is only sending data one way, but how fast can one press buttons or push sliders anyhow?

"And voila, which is French for.......'and then I found out.'" - Ready Player One


Re: Very bad wifi connection Arduino ESP8266 board library 3.0.2 softAP

We tested a simple example ESP8266 AP on 3.0.2 it works the same.