Topic: Unable to join Wemos ESP8266 D1 mini network.

I have downloaded my "Compressor" project to the ESP8266 board, and I know it is running because I have continuous serial output.

However, I cannot join its WiFi network, and I'm getting mixed error messages, most common first ....

a) Incorrect password for "Compressor" (I assure you it is the correct password)
b) Unable to join "Compressor"
b) Unable to join "Compressor" : The network is temporarily unavailable. Try again later.

Here is the header from RemoteXY's code ....

// RemoteXY select connection mode and include library 
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

#include <RemoteXY.h>

// RemoteXY connection settings 
#define REMOTEXY_WIFI_SSID "Compressor"
#define REMOTEXY_WIFI_PASSWORD "12345678"

Can anyone see if there's anything wrong with it ...

EDIT: I've tried this on an iPhone, an iPad, a Samsung Galaxy Tab A, and a Huawei P20 PRO, and they say the same things ....

2B, or not 2B, that is the pencil ...


Re: Unable to join Wemos ESP8266 D1 mini network.

I left the device powered on overnight and it has miraculously let me connect to the wifi using the default password, which it previously said was "Incorrect" - hmmmm.

Now I cannot get RemoteXY to login to the board, it just keeps saying "Error - Cannot find the IP address of the device"

I googled this and it led to a similar post on here from 2019, but that was never replied to ....

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong ?

2B, or not 2B, that is the pencil ...


Re: Unable to join Wemos ESP8266 D1 mini network.

ESP8266 has software AP mode. Perhaps it is worth disabling continuous serial output to free up controller resources for the access point to work correctly? Can you connect to this access point without RemoteXY?


Re: Unable to join Wemos ESP8266 D1 mini network.

remotexy wrote:

ESP8266 has software AP mode. Perhaps it is worth disabling continuous serial output to free up controller resources for the access point to work correctly? Can you connect to this access point without RemoteXY?

I dropped the Serial Monitor speed from 115200 to 9600 and it sprang into life !

Now that I know it all works, I'll be taking the serial output out completely, it will be useless in the final project.


2B, or not 2B, that is the pencil ...


Re: Unable to join Wemos ESP8266 D1 mini network.

I've taken a complete u-turn on this project in light of recent enlightenments from my "customer".

It transpires he's going to need to be able to control multiple devices (we have a short-list of 3 so far) from his phone, and it seems that local wifi isn't going to be an acceptable solution. You need to connect the phone's wifi to the specific SSID of the device to be controlled, there is no dynamic wifi selection in RemoteXY.  I can't think of any other way. We will almost certainly be "off-grid" for all of his projects, and he certainly wouldn't need cloud connectivity for HSE reasons.

BLE, on the other hand, just means you can select the device you want to communicate with, and away you go... no need to change any connection status in the phone.  Much cleaner IMHO.

2B, or not 2B, that is the pencil ...