Topic: how to test if wifi connect successfully with RemoteXY library
I'm using RemoteXY library to share an IoT with ESP8266 in the Arduino IDE. The sketch configure an Access Point at the first boot, in order to set the WiFi credentials and cloud token, these are saved in the EEPROM flash emulated, and then recalled from EEPROM to establish the local wifi connection and remotexy cloud. All of this works fine...
But if the local WiFi SSID and password are to be changed one day, how to get automatically the Access Point again ?
The sketch to configure wifi and cloud connection is :
remotexy = new CRemoteXY (
new CRemoteXYConnectionCloud (
new CRemoteXYComm_WiFi (
STA_SSID.c_str() , // REMOTEXY_WIFI_SSID, c_str() convert String type to char array
Cloud_Token.c_str() // REMOTEXY_token
Is it possible to test if the wifi connection is successfull, or not, inside the sketch ? Is there a function or a flag from the RemoteXY library that we could use to get the wifi status or something like that ? If so, we could reboot in mode access point.
Thank you for your help.