Topic: remotexy / esp32cam not compatible?
I have a project where I would like to use RemoteXY and a Telegram bot with an esp32.
The problem is that the connection to telegram bot fails as long as I have remotexy in the project.
Anyone knows a workaround to be able to use both together?
I was thinking maybe there is a way to disconnect from remotexy with a piece of code, then do the stuff with telegram bot, then reconnect to remotexy? Would that make sense, and what would be the proper way and code for that?
Thanks !
EDIT 1: I was using remotexy with 2 connections: bluetooth BLE and cloud (as described here: … dCloud.pde).
I sorted out the issue by using only a bluetooth BLE connection for remotexy and I can now send messages using wifi to telegram bot. But if someone has a trick to share for my initial setup (remotexy connected with bluetooth BLE and cloud), I am still curious! Thanks!
EDIT 2: I am using the ESP32-CAM board and the issue is actually different than explained with the first edit of this message: telegram with the camera without remotexy work fine, telegram with remotexy without the camera work fine, but as soon as I initialize the camera, if remotexy is present then it does not work, the board is restarting continuously. I'm not looking anymore at finding a solution, I took a different way without remotexy, but still curious if anyone has some inputs about this issue.