1 (edited by francescangeli.francesco 2024-02-02 10:11:53)

Topic: NodeMCU to manage garage door and lights, WiFi and Cloud versions

This RemoteXY is fantastic, really!
In a couple of hours (I'm a newbye in this platform) I made an app to control my garage door and lights, and it works too...

This project makes use of a Lolin NodeMCU v3.
I made two versions, WiFi and my own cloud on NAS.

- Push Switch, 2 colors, "Open it" and "Close it", of course to open/close the door
- Push Switch, 2 colors, "Lights", when door is open the app lets you switch on/off the lights (TO DO add photoresistor to automate switching)

If someone is interested to, download a ZIP containing both versions at:
https://mega.nz/file/ShUB2YQJ#AS3pI-ptR … jQQbVMenms

https://mega.nz/file/W1VlzQyJ#z6hEzeAW6 … rbXJcLV7wM