1 (edited by francescangeli.francesco 2024-02-02 10:11:53)

Topic: NodeMCU to manage garage door and lights, WiFi and Cloud versions

This RemoteXY is fantastic, really!
In a couple of hours (I'm a newbye in this platform) I made an app to control my garage door and lights, and it works too...

This project makes use of a Lolin NodeMCU v3.
I made two versions, WiFi and my own cloud on NAS.

- Push Switch, 2 colors, "Open it" and "Close it", of course to open/close the door
- Push Switch, 2 colors, "Lights", when door is open the app lets you switch on/off the lights (TO DO add photoresistor to automate switching)

If someone is interested to, download a ZIP containing both versions at:
https://mega.nz/file/ShUB2YQJ#AS3pI-ptR … jQQbVMenms

https://mega.nz/file/W1VlzQyJ#z6hEzeAW6 … rbXJcLV7wM

2 (edited by masoudzpqm.1957 2024-10-14 10:17:55)

Re: NodeMCU to manage garage door and lights, WiFi and Cloud versions

i am trying to turn on one light using remotexy cloud. the program uploads correctly but when i use my  mobilt to turn on thr light "board not connected" appears. i have other lights connected with diferrent token  which programmed some time ago in the same location and they work perfectly.
any comment would be appriciated
i am using esp-01


Re: NodeMCU to manage garage door and lights, WiFi and Cloud versions

using remotexy free edition ,how to code esp8266 to turn on two lights  from anywhere in world and turn them off at a given time, in seconds, from the mobile ap